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a16z AI 投资理念与预测:创造力+生产力、伴侣+社交、健康+个人成长

AI, 投资, 新兴技术


February 17, 2024


数据分析, 统计技术, PCA

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical technique used in data analysis for dimensionality reduction and simplifying complex datasets while retaining variability. PCA has 5 steps: standardization, covariance matrix computation, eigen vector calculation, choosing principal components, and transforming the data. Standardization ensures that the analysis is not biased towards variables with greater magnitude. Eigenvectors are sorted by their eigenvalues in descending order, giving the components in order of significance. Finally, the original data is projected onto the principal components to transform the data into a new space. PCA evaluation involves the cumulative proportion of variance explained by each component.

February 17, 2024